Daughter of The Vanishing Man

The Vanishing Man

 The Vanishing Man


“I’m gonna go spend time with my dad”


A typical phrase

But for me

I never even knew what the word ‘dad’ meant


All I ever knew was

The vanishing man


He vanished when I was being born


The time where a women may need the most support

And he decides to


I played with my friends a few years later

We’re at a daycare


“Hannah, you’re father is here” the caregiver calls out



Once i’m with my mother

I ask her

“What’s a father”


She gets a deepened look

“A father is someone who cares for you non-stop, will give everything up for you”

“It’s someone that you’ll never have”


Why can’t i have one

Everyone should have a father

Why not me


A few more years pass 

And I get in contact with the vanishing man 

My mother is okay with it

She says that if i would like to heal the relationship

Then i should


I didn’t know much at the age of 9

So I tried


I tried to mend a relationship

I thought that he left because I was too much

Too much to handle

But he’s reappeared

So maybe I wasn\'t too much


We talk for a few months

One day he asks me for money


What the hell am I supposed to do

I wasn’t even a teenager

I told him I don’t have any


And here comes the biggest surprise you’ll ever see

He has



A few more years pass 

I’m in middle school now

I’m very good at bowling

I get a lot of spares and strikes


I have a tournament in Lincoln

I know that’s where the vanishing man lives

But I don’t really care for him at this point


My mom says that she’s gonna see if he wants to come watch me bowl

He says he can\'t make it, but he’ll meet us for lunch


So, I agree

He asks me how my life is going

I tell him that I’m doing great


He makes small talk

It\'s time for me to go and he asks if he can get a hug

Who the hell does he think I am?

Who the hell does he think he is?


I tell him no

I tell him I don’t give hugs the vanished


“Good bye Ray”

He gives me a funny look


“Ray? I thought I was dad”


I laugh

‘Dad’ is deserved


You deserve nothing from me


I take that back

You deserve resentment and anger from me

And I have every right to give it to you


You left me

You left my mom

You left us


One more thing you deserve

You deserve the name

“The Vanishing Man”