
Caged Bird

I came into this world screaming and I nearly left it the same way.

The years had not been kind to me and life had been too much to bear.

I found myself with thoughts of release and that’s when I knew this had to end there.

I could take the pain and accept the neglect but my soul was beginning to darken.

The light in my eyes had dimmed and the smile on my lips had faded.

My heart was shattered and the betrayal I was dealt became unbearable.

I knew if I stayed, my life would be snuffed out like a candle.

I knew if I tried to fix it, whatever was left of me would be lost never to be found again.

With a quivering lip and tear-filled eyes, I chose to walk away.

My life was too precious and my soul was worth saving, that was all I knew for certain.

I picked up the pieces of my broken heart and my broken life and all the broken dreams, and I walked away.

I walked away from hurtful words and pain that no one would ever understand.

Only I will know the true damage that was caused and I will keep that hidden in the deepest parts of my very being.

I now know why the caged bird sings and I know how sweet that song is once the bird finally escapes…

Ofelya Grigoryan