

Walls were built 

For the security they told 

but the land was chained 

no vast landscape to withhold 


dams were built 

to make the bulb light 

storing the water inside 

but one who could move 

move freely as they want 

how long can you stop

stop her from wishfully flowing 


doors were built 

for security they said 

for people or things inside 

separating from the world outside 

but how long can you close the poet inside 



rooms built 

with four walls 

and a roof 

they said it’s a luxury to have it so 

well, the convicted was locked 

how long can you stop her from looking around


a window that stands high 

could be the place

where gazing eyes

Met flying birds in the sky 



locks were made 

to make it secure 

secure from the deprived 

to those with lots inside 

to contain the greeds in the eyes


locks can’t stop the greedy eyes 

it could only lock the victim inside 


no matter what you built 

its intentions that matter 

the desire that counts 

and the soul whose perspective meets the eyes 



so no doors 

No dams

no walls 

and limited locks 

windows to open the world 

locks to keep the sadness in check 

and bridges to connect 

the old engineering to amend….