Charles Edward York

Ode To A Rose



The days are long and the years are short

A rose plucked from the vine

Gives its perfume

For as long as it’s kept alive

The way I feel for you

And the effect you’ve had on my life

Perfume and thorns and all

Raise such petals of praise

As high as Heaven

And to such heights

I raise my verse

And shout I love you.


Every colorful curve and line of your body

Is a statue and a skyscape

Whose clouds and hue

Generate images

Dreams of a lovely realm

Worth inspiring a man

To make the world better

Such as my desire

For me to lay down a red carpet

Respect known only to angels

And admiration as precious as

A princess in pearls!


How can it be such beauty walks with me

That I a humble poet so poor

In pocket but rich in words

Dare to lift you above all others

And presume my lowly creation

Worthy of such company

My heart is gentle

Sincere in motivation

And devoted in purpose

To make you a better world

Adorable and cherished

Reigning over me forever.


Copyright © 2022 Charles Edward York

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