
Tea/coffee, cookies and a book




the three Greys shadowing in greens 

an addiction 

to relieve the pains 


a sublime taste lingers 

over the cold tongue that it tastes 

the one

a bitter as it lace 

A strong flavour to senses 

bringing the mind back to its train 

when all seem strained


they say a lot can happen 

happen over a cup of coffee 

with some cookies on plate 


but simply coffee 

or tea 

brings back the trained mind 

to relax 

maybe an addiction 

playing with mind 

playing with tongue 

hitting the nerve with bitterness as it please 


the rolled leaves 

the crunchy beans 

mixed with lukewarm water 

plays with aroma on streets 

a book to cover beside 

telling its tale overnight 

of the warriors who fought 

of the battles they lost 

yet determined to fight 



the tale of tea, coffee and book beside 

with cookies bringing sweetness in life 

a normal evening waving to goodnight 

another day running in cold mess 

rushing with moving hands of clock 

ticking it’s own time….