Poetic Dan

Straight from the soul, it\'s all I know

My thoughts are so powerful I can often forget, before I know it there\'s a nose around my neck. 


Any nutrients that are make it through only in the frustration to last, is met with a gut that\'s refusing to let anything passed. 


Not that it\'s all a lie, I can just find words easier to write than live. The problem with little or no action is becoming to heavy and you sink. 


So low it becomes labelled with all kinds of categories, each box with a world of information for the anatomy. 


Such a wonderful gift to absorb all the knowledge passed on, yet still unable to grasp what my body needs to keep the beat strong 

For nearly two years these unspoken feeling have gone deep within, taken me back to a cycle I never thought I could see again. 


Yet each time I\'ve survive \"it\" a new pattern began, this time I\'ll change it now by knowing that all those cycles are dead and gone 


To live should not mean to suffer, this shouldn\'t feel like a human condition. There is no race and time truly is on our side, learning to find the space to metamorphosis!