
My Valentine\'s Dreams Leave Me Teary-eyed

My broken heart bleeds

 into the eventide


My shattered soul

full of pain and tears


My thoughts fill with

doubts personified



My lips quiver as my

lonely tear drops slide


My heart is tethered

to my soul\'s fears


My broken heart bleeds

into the eventide



Trembling in fear ,

losing my pride 


Wishing love\'s magic

dust were here


My thoughts fill with

doubts personified



Will twilight\'s beams

leave me satisfied


Will \"I love you\'s\" ever

echo in my ears?


My broken heart bleeds

into the eventide



Love\'s blissful nectar,

oh why is it denied?


My shattered soul

crying in crimson tears


My thoughts fill with

doubts personified



My Valentine\'s dreams

leave me teary-eyed


Magnifying my pain

and all my fears 


My broken heart bleeds

into the eventide


My thoughts fill with

doubts personified