Leonard Maero W


You came when we were hungry
You came when we were hopeless
You came when you needed help
You came in our makeshift  home
You wanted our papers to soar high.

You told us we shouldn\'t suffer
You told us we\'ll be safe
You told us we\'ll get our share
When we cast for you papers
When we sing you\'re our person.

You ferried us near the forest
You said there,  we do farming
You affirmed that we stay firm
You gave us packets of food
Your  name stuck on them firmly.

Morning we came out to cast
Mother and all to queue a must
We saw you in big car at rest
The winner, you were declared
Then you forgot our desires.

You never came here again
You voted the settlement motion against
We were told to leave our barley
We were kicked with heavy boots
We saw our houses get burnt.

My brother\'s head got a bullet
My sister, like snake  was beaten
Why did you prince cheat us?
Why, after polls dump us?
Why, you crown wearer torment us?