

We spoke names into water

 to find which patterns would appear

Our breath crossed the Atlantic  

 bold sun burned my nights

 your soul in the sheets

Colossal, our attraction straddled the continents

I am who you gave your heart to

And who am I 

 to exchange my heart for the slow undulation of the seasons

We should behave

 before this meteor falls

 and a comet traces the nights sky.

Long ago, in the desertic south

 I burned one candle inscribed with two names

 poured the wax into water and watched

 as embryos appeared and

 floated like little witches.

I now keep them in a box.

You stole me away from the land of artists

Enchantnment is overrated anyway 

Someday, children picking over our bones

Will never know

 we were as crafty as wolves

And just as hungry.