

She embraced me in her arms when I was born, she wanted my mother to keep me not her heart to be torn.

She loved me from the first day she looked into my eyes, she chose to help my mother when she would hear my cries.

I remember her coming to lunch day at school just to eat with me,and when it was over I cried because I didn\'t want her to leave me.

She made sure I went to bible study and sunday school,she knew I was pretty but wanted me to be smart,also knowledgeable and no ones fool.

At revival she was right at my side every night,proud that I chose to accept christ in my life,it melted her heart to watch the beautiful sight.

Whenever something was wrong I ran to her house she always knew what to do,she was and still is my rock til this day it is true.

She is beautiful,brave,and strong I admire her so much,she taught me how to show and give love with just a simple touch.

She always believes me when no one else would,she will go up against anyone to fight for me, she sure would and could.

She is my hero, my backbone and I\'m glad she is near,because if she hadn\'t given my mom life I wouldn\'t be here.