
Faithful is my Soul

They told me that

I forgot something

Before I left my body.


I saw him there.

His knees pulled in.

His body battered and shaken


It was evident that he was crying.

His eyes red, puffy, and swollen,

his face, still a bright scarlet


Arms and legs well…

They were a stark white

in contrast to his facial description


When he looked up at me,

I could see that he was trying to cry,

but nothing came.


He collapsed then,

into a heap folded over limply.

And all I could do was to

Take his place.


I picked him up,

and I propped him in 

The only chair in the room.

I stood up and bowed my head.


I crossed my hands with his.

He was so cold, so lifeless.

I felt something again,

something so familiar.


I closed my eyes.

Instead of dark fury,

I saw a beloved light.

My hair stood up on end.

It was chilling and thrilling

and at the same time, I felt him.

He stood up slowly, so as not to

startle me in this precious moment.


I still had my eyes closed,

my head was still bowed.

“What?”, “What is that?”

Heat, I felt heat envelop my hands.


Suddenly, the heat went beyond my hands.

The heat pulsed through me.

It coursed through my veins at astronomical speed.

Beyond the comprehension of anyone alive.


I felt it, as it flowed through

my conscious and unconscious mind.

Bringing me back to life again.