
Never Slowing

I can\'t breathe most days
too focused on the woulda, coulda, shoulda.
I\'ve fallen so far behind I feel no hope
I know I have a future it just feels...

out of reach


almost silly like

I try to take breaks, even a day off once
I only fell further behind.
It\'s never enough, I\'m enough
but the amount of time I have isn\'t.
The clock is crushing me
Each tick swells my eyes with tears
I wish for the Sun and Earth to stop this endless cycle.
I wish to travel back in time and rid the world of time.
No more sun dials, deadlines, and due dates.
\"I\'ll get it done, I promise.\"
\"I have time tonight to do it.\"
I\'m only lying to myself and others.

I don\'t wish to,
only to please and be enough.
If only I could breathe
and ignore the woulda, coulda, shoulda.
Alas, my lungs have no time to breathe.