A.D. Small

This Clock

This clock

If I could rock and roll my pain away
Then why am I still sitting in this disco Hall
If I could dance like nobody\'s watching anyway
Then why do I cry so loudly when I fall
If I could move mountains with my own hands
Why do I scream when no one\'s watching
If time stop ticking and then stands
I would cry inside while everyones laughing
I can\'t fight pain with this butter knife
I can\'t move the word like I want to
Instead I want to throw bricks at life
That\'s what I want to do
It would hurt you to see me like this
Sad and broken inside
The Smiling is something I miss
The pain moves me like a tide
I miss being happy with you
I miss the life we had
But now I\'m so blue
I\'m not used to being this sad
I wish I could turn back the clock
And make the world spin again
But you are my rock
My one solid friend
One day you will come home
I wish that day was here
Then I wouldn\'t be alone
And I wouldn\'t have all this fear
I want you to hold me and kiss away the pain
Took me under your arm
Shield me from life\'s rain
And keep me safe from harm
I want you to kiss me and make the world stop
Even for one small minute
Even with the ticking of the clock
My world is not okay without you in it

A. D. Small
January 19, 2021