


People are scared of the unknown…

They are impatient-feel need to know who might blow them off…

They are afraid of the future, but hold on to the past

and eventually the present has already passed…

They say they want to die at last;

after that being said, knives are misused fast…

they don’t know-that’s why they are still in this hurt…

what will happen if they’ll get covered with dirt…

what if nobody brings violets,red roses;

what if it is not quite the place they thought of;

what if it turns out to be worse then before…

what if they just dissapear,without a trace…

Then accordingly the following question is asked-

“what’s the point of their existence?!”

Their first steps on the narrow beach…

the warmth of the blinding sun…

beauty of the choppy ocean

and how it’s easy is to fall in…

…It always ends…

What’s the point then?!...

That’s one of the life\'s mysteries,need to be revealed

before the hurricane comes,

ruins their shelter,

drops them into the restless,gray ocean,

full of angry waves breaking devotion,

and sinks them into the depths of abyssal,


