
This Dragon Inside

I’ve spoken of this beast before

This monster inside of me.

And like me, it’s cold and scaley.

Vanquishing its’ enemies when it speaks.


Claws to carve its miseries into stone.

Crimson rose petals drip from its cavernous maw.

His head, full of horns and spikes,

Sharp enough to pierce hearts, dull enough to shatter my own.


Can’t you smell the smoke? I can…

It wraps me up, never failing to remind me

Of the bridges, of the bridges! Those I’ve burned down in my life.

Inhaling the smoke of integrity as it burns to ashes.


Although its tongue is forked

Lightning careens from its lips.

It belittles the children of this Kingdom.

Their own wisdom makes a mockery of themselves.


It exhales in sweet ecstasy, a mockery of the most perfect Kingdom.

Attempting to tarnish the light of the Father’s glory.

I put on the armor of light, I will take heed,

Throwing my hands in the air, I give him glory!


I wield this claymore,

This weapon harnessed through fire and sand like I was.

I have total faith in my sword, and for that, it won’t shatter!

I have trust in what I wear, and for that, you will find no chink in my armor!


Some, like me, simply call it a beast.

To others, it\'s a deadly deceiver that inhales truth and exhales deceit

Many refer to it as a land and air Leviathan, 

But I now know the truth…




In my sufferings, I will bow down and rejoice.

I will seek Heavenly Father’s face

And because of that, you “Mighty Dragon”,

You will be smitten by my sword, which is truth.

Your head will roll, lopsided, to and fro.

It will be punted to return to your iron gates of Hell flame.

Even your most loyal will flee from the glory of God.

Every head shall bow, every knee shall kneel, and every tongue shall confess that the lord,




And that through him

Every battle is won.

There is no Anger, Fear, or Anxiety, but in it’s place,

There is all Happiness, Charity, and most of all, love.


If through God, all things are possible

And if God is love itself, then by definition

Through love, all things are possible

In my battle, I won’t shed blood.


Thank you God, for your Heav’nly blessings.

Thank you God for the gift of life.

Thank you Spirit that dwells in me

Thank you Christ for the greatest sacrifice.


The adversary lies in defeat

It’s forked tongue snipped and charred by its deceit

It’s scales lay scattered, and it’s horns cracked as love seeps through

To destroy the darkness within.


The ashes of the dragon’s smitten burn once again.

Their acceptance of truth and love in their lives

Gives rise to the one true God

Through the phoenix they rise on the wings of Christ



