Sam Dickerson

Sad To Happy

This child is depressed, ain\'t we

all are deep inside? I like to wear

clothes that cover up the

cuts that\'s on my body. I wear a mask

at school so people don\'t ask that

certain question to make me have the evil grins

inside that want me to kill them and

sometimes I hurt myself but I can\'t so I tell myself lies.


I cut so much that IT

the clown aka pennywise hides

away from me. Our 

problems that we have will slap us in our cheeks

that makes us fall down and

makes us want to hurt ourselves on purpose. We have the darkest shades

that is inside us to make our

happiness fades away in our eyes.


The feeling I have for this

crazy train that I am riding to pay the dept

for me to go on the right track. We

all have crazy trains that we pay

to go on the right track to 

have a better life & respect our human

selfs but sometime we do have the look of guile.


I have a heart with 

all these pieces that\'s about to be torn

out little by little and

all over in the inside of my body is bleeding

now I have multiple hearts

from the love of my life that we

both make each other laugh & smile.


Soon the love of my life will be my husband and 

he will kiss my mouth 

when we get married & with 

all the people that will be there it will have a myriad 

of chairs so they can sit and have their subtleties.