
An Eagle\'s Flight

Some eagles they call bald 

their heads are not 

but white ,

and they show up beautifully 

in the sun\'s light 


Eagles soar alone 

in their own light ,

it\'s something other birds 

just can\'t fight, 

they soar alone 

and only they know 

where they go at night 


Soaring sometimes above trees 

and a towering mountain\'s height ,

ever flying 

towards the sun\'s light 


Held up in the sky by just air 

like a great feathered kite ,

without any strings 

to hold it\'s height ,

eagles are 

the master\'s of free flight 


They like to swoop down on fish 

that are just under the water\'s surface 

in a river or lake ,

and grab it with their talons 

for them it\'s a piece of cake 


With it\'s tail behind it 

and it\'s head downward 

towards the earth 

bursting into a fury of speed 

what a beautiful sight ,

it reminds me of a 

feathered meteorite 


I know in the daytime 

they soar in the skies ,

and look down to the earth 

with their sharp eyes

looking for their prey ,

but at nighttime 

where do they stay ,


Maybe deep in the dark forest 

are where they might be ,

roosting near the top 

of a big tree 


Then when darkness 

is gone from the night ,

the sun rises and with it 

the eagles in flight