
The hundredth

As the words flew 

as the rhymes grew 

a small sprout lied in hue 

to the unknown world 

where poets took her hand 

started with lost childhood 

where many emotions grew 

many of reflection 

few of sad 

some genre of love 

and rare of science and horror to count in few 


A soul stood 

wavered by challenges 

upon cheers and hugs of dear teddy and dear Vamsi 

upon positivity of dear Andy 

on guidance and encouragement  of Dear Mek

Guided as sunlight  and led by dear dusk

supported and cared by dear Rozina 

love shown by nature by dear rose that bloomed 

inspired by dear  Fay 

Inspired by deep insights of dear Neville 

Humoured and smiled on words of dear Paul 

Applauded and cared by dear Robert

always awestruck by tales of poetry written by dear Neil, reciting a story 

new friends made and glowed dear Auburn, dear  Lorna and many more 

sung to God with dear Orchi  along 

a new poet around, listening and resonating emotions, dear Rocky rhyming about

joined on group poetries with intriguing titles by dear fallenangel 

and thanks to all who make me today 

if a poet can write 

it’s not  only the pen 

he holds 

but also upon the support 

If a person can speak 

its not only  speech 

but friends whom one can lean upon 

and care 

care to hear the woes 

and cheer the fallen self 


it’s the hundredth 

and many more shall come 

cause luckily the sky is studded with jewels 

where one can read so many beautiful creativities 

thanks to mps 

and to the beautiful community…..



PS: if I missed anyone 

I am really sorry 

and I am grateful in tons for hearing me 

teaching me 

advising me 

supporting me 

cheering me 

and helping me