I want to see ghosts
Telling me why they lived
Reasons to make it to the end
Asking advice on how to live
Telling secrets of me
Because they lived
Is life worth to suffer?
Is there a reason to be happy?
Or is it just living
One became a friend
A ghost that reflected the same light as me
Told me jokes no one could hear if they lived
A friend only I could see
Helped me to difficult periods
It was a girl who lived
So many stories to tell
Wanted to experience so much more
But stopped after an incident
A flower that died in her bloom
A flame no-one could see anymore
Still shining after everything
All ghosts went their way but not her
She stayed
Was there with me every day
Celebrated with me the highlights of life
Gave me smiles I couldn\'t imagine I had
Years went by
The day came when it was my time to become a ghost
Everything went so fast
I never asked my questions
But it doesn\'t matter anymore
I lived
Everyone has their ghost
Sometimes difficult to find but they are there
Sometimes it finds you
Or you the ghost
Different each time
If you haven\'t have one find it
Find your real ghost
It makes everything better