Sam Dickerson

pt1 of my feelings

I’m a depressed woman that IS

Cutting way to much, I’m SUCH

A disappointment to my mother, I see the UNFAIRNESS

In her eyes when she looks at me. My mother don’t always tell me WHAT 

I want in life, she give off this weird feeling called I don’t give a fuck about THE 

Life you want that is in your little tiny WORLD

The thing I want from my mother IS 

For her to accept me for who I am, I do love my mother WITH

All of my heart, I have tried so much to show her THE

Person that makes me who I am, I have given her some EVIDENCE 

Of the person that makes me. I’m my mother\'s transgender and pansexual child that IS

As intelligent as she was and got disowned by her, I have SEEN

My life almost flashes before eyes, the SPIRITS

That was in the house feel me wanting to be RIPPED

Apart into million pieces AND 

They are just so TORN 

Up about how my mother has treated me AND

Didn’t care if I was BLEEDING

Till I am dead, she will sit there and watch while eating candy HEARTS

Till she had enough of watching me suffering, she tells my other siblingsWE

Don’t have this person no more” while she is putting on a SMILE.