Sam Dickerson

About my life just a little

I’m a depressed woman that IS
Cutting way to much, I’m SUCH
A disappointment to my mother, I see the UNFAIRNESS
In her eyes when she looks at me. My mother don’t always tell me WHAT 
I want in life, she give off this weird feeling called I don’t give a fuck about THE 
Life you want that is in your little tiny WORLD
The thing I want from my mother IS 
For her to accept me for who I am, I do love my mother WITH

All of my heart, I have tried so much to show her THE
Person that makes me who I am, I have given her some EVIDENCE
Of the person that makes me. I’m my mother\'s transgender and pansexual child that IS
As intelligent as she was and got disowned by her, I have SEEN
My life almost flashes before my eyes, the SPIRITS
That was in the house feel me wanting to be RIPPED
Apart into million pieces AND
They are just so TORN

Up about how my mother has treated me and she STILL
Treats me like garbage. I am THE
Second oldest of her children that have fought to stay in this WORLD
For her, she can’t put her wants before her NEEDS
There is so many things that her only daughter that have fought to stay in THE
Universe that she would rather see my DREAMS
Fall apart than her own, yea I am her kid that loves her but WE
Are to different people that have to be OFFER
Different things in life that won’t hurt us AND

Won’t make us try to kill ourselves, I SHOULD
Not let my fears control me in the world I fought in, WE
As a family should let our past go and LEAVE
All those bad thoughts where they started at so THOSE
Thoughts won’t come back to us in our DREAMS
Yes nightmares will make us have BLEEDING

Crazy dreams we can’t control ON
Our own and this hard ass mother fuckers will try to get in THE
Way when we are going on the right ROAD
That is making us better as WE’D
Start going and going the bad things would SHRINK
We love the good things in life that OUR
Bad things in life will not follow us in the dreams that we OWN
There are a lot of people in my family so there is a bunch of HEARTS

I love a lot in this world but my mother always like to knock me DOWN
All the time and I always get up TO
Make myself better rather than do NOTHING
About myself, I love myself AND
No one can change the fact THAt
I love myself and I want to make myself better, yea WE

Argue about things that’s so stupid by the end of it we WOULD
Hug it out or we go our separate ways, we never said any that we would REGRET
In our life, my mother needs to get BETTER
But she is letting some man be in her life TO
Not really control her but LET
Her be someone she is not, me and her are different people that goes on OUR
Own paths to make us who we are and we both have very bad ANGER
Issues that we would let GO
Out of nowhere for some odd reason AND
Sometimes it will get crazy enough that we would SMILE.