Job Welime

What\'s love?

What\'s love,if you\'re not here with me?
What\'s love, if it\'s not even guaranteed?
What\'s love if it\'s not you and me?
What\'s love if we cannot fly to the sun and visit the moon whenever?
What\'s love if all you see,is exits of what I have only known as, the best thing to have ever happened to me after God\'s grace?
What\'s love if, you just make a promise that you can always forget, not caring that I turned you into a memory I can never forget?
What\'s love if all I have is stories of half haves,have nots and have not yet?
What\'s love if my diary doesn\'t have your name, just because you inconsiderately struck it out on purpose?
What\'s love if our sky,is no longer made of pretty pinks and purple?
What\'s love if you disappear without a trace and leave me a phone number that has no one on the other side of the line?
What\'s love if all I do,is scream my truths at the top of my lungs,just so they penetrate the ears that, won\'t even care to listen?
What\'s love if all you do,is just keep on lying like you\'re breathing?
What\'s love if all you do,is treat me like a joke just waiting for the punchline?
What\'s love if all my friends who signed up for fun and games end up being the unpaid therapist?
What\'s this?