Ishika Gautam

A Girl Child

Greedily, evidently, slowly,

How in the dark monster comes alive,

Every footsteps elevated her pulse,

At night or morn-it kills the little naive,


Ornamented with respect on her body,

He slays the pearls of faith in her eyes,

He mortifies the goddess of her father,

Her gasp in haste remorsed karma of childish lies,


Dared any girl child-encounter the beast,

Slay him slow- he\'ll taste a medicine,

A bitter cold death of defeat,

Let him know beasts die like him.


Later or now its span of time,

Perceive and overcome ages of lies,

Hell would be ashamed of this dark,

To demean women from men of wise.


Grow up and make this a good start,

Of a girl child, or she\'ll die so fast,

A war of her own she knows how to win,

Clear her path, and she\'ll guide the rest atlast.