

The cognised emotions 

dwelling upon 

upon a delirious moment

an infatuation of kind 

hitting the sparks on line 



the obscure environment 

that made 

the pure sane  born 

to the unsettling environment that bore 

an alloy replaced 




like stainless steel 

durable and strong 

hard and flexible 

connecting and bridging upon 

upon its rail 

the journey of life carries 

the heart made of steel 

not pestering to unceasing obstacles 




like a medal  of bronze 

awarded and accorded; the third 

though it wasn’t her mistake 

neither gold 

nor silver 

how tragic the soul gave all 

Yet beautiful 

it wasn’t last at all 

wish if it could be

either  a bronze ?




like brass 

ringing the bells 

Shrilling and shouting it’s mind 

in a sonorous tune 

kinder to ears 

for nobody to sneer 

it continued to make sounds 

even if, no one was around 


An amalgam of emotions 

an alloy of reactions 

like a student before exam 

anxious and nervous 

like a lover in romance 

excited and anticipating 

like a professional in interview 

scared and stressed

like an athlete in a marathon 

stiff and flexible 



born as pure 

So were we once crude 

when did it turn alloy ?

maybe fate makes us alloy 

maybe situation trains to be alloy 

it’s better to be alloy 

to get updated and advanced as alloy….


Higher power as alchemist 

refining our soul 

greatest creation defined  

nothing but 

just a 

piece of alloy…