
Hide and seek

carefree kids 

across the lanes 

middle of garden 

beside the big fountain 

play the game 

called “hide and seek” once again 



those kids mature day by day 

as nature progresses its reign 

starting of  school it is 

playing “hide and seek” in school again 

Teasing the friends 

hiding from teachers while forgetting assignment 


days pass 

so are the similar lanes 

preparing to enter high school again 

playing and teasing 

running and resting

playing “hide and seek” from exams again 



years pass 

maybe to some maturity lasts 

Gone,   the days of high school

entering the race of competition 

esteemed colleges to make through 

many a times living the dreams of the gardener who tendered them 



in their hard work 

in their youth 

finally comes the most enjoyable time 

maybe it shall be,  last streak of leisure life 

playing “ hide and seek “ with friends and professor 

bearing those memories inside 

for the rest of life 



seasons pass by 

like the golden days 

the college ends 

clock ticks by 

stern is its face 

now it’s time to grow up again 

entering the office life 

or going for value addition 

no more “hide and seek” for fun 

now hiding from problems 

now hiding from chaotic mess 

now hiding from scoldings of boss

now hiding from loan sharks 

and seeking the answers 

seeking the lover 

seeking the lost happiness 

seeking the meaning of their existence 



Looks like “hide and seek” changed its game 

it’s no more the “hide and seek” of past again 

cherish whatever era of “ hide and seek” you belong 

maybe hiding from doom 

and seeking peace

thats wonderful too….