
Behold! Monstrosity.

In a far north shall be concern, The spotlight shines on the beast

The beast is great in numbers, Far too close to the crumble knights

Peace is not inevitable, Only war shall be inevitable

Dread of the beast, Soft knight of the realm went to seek peace

Received not peace but deception, For the beast is far too great to be please


The beast seek for more, The hunger cannot be contain after it’s due

On the east lies a newborn, The newborn was once part of the beast

With hunger and seeking unity, The newborn devoured by the beast

Shall the beast not contain anymore, All will suffer


The knights had enough, Picking all the swords with the intent of slaying

The muskets of the west joined in, Fearful of devoured by the beast

Little to all know, The beast strike the muskets and the knights

The knights were even more crumble, Fled to preserve itself

While the muskets were left to fought the beast, With bravery and honour


The muskets hold out with it last strength, Before the inevitable

The crumbling knights fled, Shocking the beast

With the victory of preserving itself, The knights shall grow once again

For the knights shall come back, To free all that had been and will be lost