Rocky Lagou


Last night,

When you were closing the window

To shut out the air,

I felt like the sill and I felt like the latches.


The ones who dangle like orchids,

Sway by sway. Persuaded

Like a naïve child

Awaiting, something glorious to happen.


And I was a smothered wood

And I was wind-moved metal

And you were the only one doing

And I was the only one —          .....     ......        staring.


As the final breezes were staggering curtains

They brushed past your arms as you

Sealed up the night.

And you turned around and looked at me——


(It takes more than comfort and dignity

To feel like you are living

It takes love and sacrifice

And it takes possession - Of Self——)


So, you walked towards my sitting posture

And you left the window behind you satisfied,

It thanked you when you left, for granting it

The chance for recognition – the chance to live.


And as you gradually approached me,

You faded with the stillness in the air

And you left me brimming with undying hope and love -


Gladdened that You happened.