



How my body longs for yesterday

When all my parts by the rules did play

Everything was quicker and stronger then

And my youthful face only had one chin


I played hard and slept all night long

Now my life is like some old country song

I’m lying awake in the middle of the night

Tears in my eyes from acid reflux’s plight


Hair grew where it was supposed to grow

Skin was smooth with its youthful glow

I could write my name in the sand or dirt

Now all I can muster is little bitty squirt


Man, I miss those old days gone bye

Things worked much better, I cannot lie

I could eat what I wanted without a care

And paraded around with a body bare


Now I cover it up in embarrassed shame

This Dog Gone A G E, is the one to blame

Oh how I long for good old yesterday

Before time showed up to collect its pay