

Dull seems the season 

boring since no reason 

watching as idle by 


but holding a rod by 


to yesterday’s Sunday time 

when did it become lifetime 

hooked is the bait 

bait for the ticking fate 

when shall fate be kind 

to catch a wealthy fish passing by 

to catch the prawn of success

to catch the fish of gold 

do I sound materialistic ?



fishing as idling by 

guessing the best strategy to catch by 

patience is the key 

a patience of lifetime 

be diligent to mankind 

fishing with numerous thoughts in mind 

how can you hold the steady line ?



come to the pond of fate 

the pond of divinity that is laid 

but remember to leave the burdens at home 

cause happiness can’t live without peace on its own 



holding the steady ink of rod 

placing the brush in strokes 

while the arms pain for standing all the time by the lane 

writing on numerous sheets 

reading and remembering the screen 

like the fish in the pond 

the marks on the sheet 

heart wishes to catch as by as it can please 
the more fishes in basket 

pleases the stomach 

the more marks on sheet 

appeases the ambitions 



the one with highest fishes wins the deal 

makes up high on auction list 

the one with highest recommendations 

wins the race 

makes on the Forbes list 



only difference it seems 

yesterday you were fishing 

today those MNCs 

seems to fishing you, it seems 


the predator turned into prey 

beware please 

now what remains to speak…