Alexander Pope III

North Pole

It is Life or a human Bazaar

Everything that appears normal is also bizarre

Every human wants to be as happy as Czar

But daily disappointed over a small scar


Sometimes it is no one’s mistake

Sadness never want a day’s break

Yet daily we desire to eat the happiness cake

For that, you need a faith, little real ,little fake 


Why do some desire , friends loyal as a dog 

And then they also offer to treat  brain fog  

Such friends consider themselves pure and not mix

Relations which they don’t understand, they offer to fix   


My Lawless desires are still the desires

Heretics like me only can ignite a cosmic fire

Love and hate both attract hell-fire

Your sweetness is so strong that it never retires


You are a sovereign ruler of my mind

Your online presence turns me blind

You have the surrender papers I have signed

I shiver with fever when my messages are declined


I would like to burn than fade away

You tell me straight away

If you enjoy a bonfire,  burn me now

I don’t want to do anything with a sacred cow


If you have desires high as the sun

Then keep me as part of your fun

However, if you want me to vanish

Just express your wish


My mind palace is made of music and words

You may live here as an Alcyone bird

My soul is a cave where you may hide

Leave worry about Life’s uncertain tide


I may wait for you till eternity

But I don’t want to trouble you over an absurdity

If all this has come to end over my stupidity

You tell me now and do not feel pity


This movie has an unwritten script

I am still unaware of your manuscript

I still see myself at a table with you candlelit

But inform me if you have added any latest twist


Your Purity and innocence are very high on the scale

For this, in my test, I do not want to fail

But if you hold me guilty over something, then grant me bail

I may be the only one in the world to be suitable to your tale


Days come and Days go

Some filled with joy, some with sorrow

The snowy tree have again gathered the sheen

Leaves form a garland full of green


 I want to be your eternal worshipper

But I am never the one who just whisper

At times I get out of control

But for you, I may go to the North Pole