
Made With God\'s Love

I didn\'t choose to be born I am just here,my father wanted to abort me due to his fear.

I wasn\'t made out of love I was a mistake that was had,the fact my father wanted me dead before I was born made me sad.

It explains why I choose love in all the wrong places,been used and abused from all sorts of different faces.

Went from one relationship to another they all had similar trates of my dad,I remember him cheating and putting hands on my mother,as a small child it made me mad.

I don\'t know my father side they choose to have nothing to do with me,not understanding I was an innocent child,not knowing or seeing the woman I grew up to be.

It has taken me years to forgive my dad so I thank the Lord above,because even though my dad didn\'t want me,I was made with God\'s Love.