
Hearts of Hearts

For once I was unease, No end shine me upon

Gaining the depth of darkness, Into the hole I fall

Suffering inside, Finding no aid

For dread of unrest, Lest the issue of getting bare


Hopeless it felt, But a light came

Shine bright in front of me, Brighter than the stars of the sky

The shiniest diamond, The whitest milk

Thou came as a feeling, Lead me out of the hole I fall


A feeling I cannot dismissed nor leave, Only appreciate and adore

A feeling that became the bright light of the skies, The shining beacon

A feeling that transform not only the darkness, But also the heart

A feeling that I thank God for, The feeling knownest to all as love


O how lovely this can be, Hast this not cometh unto me

Will I kept fall unto the never endless hole, Or will I be gone eternities 

Shalt I drop endlessly down, Won’t I ever be forgotten

Won’t I feather away, Won’t I be plague for my eternities


Will or will not happen, I shalt shun that for it hast aroint away

For the tidings ahead are verily bright, Heavy shalt no more to be

Hark not the song of the dark, But the song of the bright shining light

Would I fall again, Knowing the love put me on ease