
Those Cheques in The Post


It would seem, that plastic judgement,

is the only thing that matters,

so, let the online beast, horizon,

close those many shutters,

as another mistake is made,

the fear takes its grip,

let horror stories be written

for those seven hundred and thirty six,

where innocent first timers,

wait in line to be processed,

in places such as Holloway,

locked down under duress,

where they hear the screams,

of those repeat offenders,

where there’s no reformation,

here comes the pun “please return to sender!”

But, just like the final girls,

they outlive the terror,

although, they are free now,

this will be with them forever,

let twenty years of hurt,

finally be put to bed,

but, certain meddlesome middlemen,

try to continue their dread,

so little claims, have been paid,

their tears continue to pour,

what an example our country makes,

spilling it’s worth upon the floor,

let’s think like a human, not like horizon,

and prioritise what we need most,

and to me, a good start would be,

sending those cheques in the post!