
Doctor Google

Doctor Google knows it all

He is having such a ball

Every Tom and Dick and Harry

Jane and May and Wong and Mary


Round the world both day and night

Ask him about anything in sight

Birds and castles, medicines too

Metals, sonnets, Timbuktu


Doc is working night and day

I am curious about his pay

Mrs. Google\'s getting mad

Can\'t afford the latest fad


\"Don\'t tell\" she said in an angry burst

When someone asked how to come in first

In a school test with other mums

\"They should try out their own sums\"


\"Darling please leave me alone\"

Doc Google said it with a moan

Turned his back on wifey dear

Questions queued up half a year!


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I use google often to get information. Double check with other sites for specific data. The translation function of Google can be misleading though.