grayson jaeger

A Beautiful End

I had a chance to know my fate but no, my ego got in the way of everything.

 Now all I can hear is that dumb raven telling me “Nevermore” Did it hurt like this Edgar? Did it feel like you can’t escape a never-ending doom Mr, Edgar Allen Poe?

 Did it feel so bad that all you wanted to do was die? No, this is different. You weren\'t a teenager, I don’t care if I broke their heart or made them sad.

 Did you just want to fly away like some bird on a wire?

 When I die people won’t have at least 10 different theories, they’ll all going to know that I was done.

 Were you done? Did you end it all or did someone do the job for you? Was the bottle passed to you? I declined it because I cared about myself, if that bottle was given to me now I’d do the same as you.

 No, I aspire to be like you but better. Will they remember me as a great person? Or just someone who lost control?

 I want people to understand everything I do, but what if I don’t have time to?

 What if I lose my breath? At the end of the day what if I don’t have it all and die with nothing?

 Ambition is eating through me and I hate it. If I am a teenager why aren’t I living some dream? That dam raven is still behind me, Poe.

 At the end of the time will there be some glorious sunset like a golden picture frame to cherish forever, or will it be dark and gloomy like a rainy night in December?

 Will it be everything I imagined or is it Doomsday? 

Can you tell me before it’s too late? You never survived the Raven Poe. How will I? 

You were just stuck on that wire like a wingless crow.