Vamsi Sudha

Solitude or Loneliness !!

Solitude or Loneliness

Always used Interchangeably

Do they really mean the Same?

No, they are contrast in life Game.


Loneliness, a feeling of Wanting

A feeling of Incompleteness!!

Solitude is a wanting of Aloneness

And a feeling of Completeness!!


Loneliness is fate\'s Destiny

Solitude is makers choice in Contrary

Loneliness leaves us in Depression

Solitude gives way for Inner Expression...


When the external noise has Silenced

An unvoiced Silence Emerges

Like the Deep waters of the Sea

Like the Heights of the Sky

Like the stillness of the Nights

Like the pristine silence of Mothers\' Womb


In the silent unrippled Interiors

The Inner Voice is Heard

Then it’s just Conscious Living

And just not Compulsive living.

When Conscious living sets in

No scope of Loneliness pervades

It’s just the power of Solitude pervades


We are called Human Beings

Just BEING with ourselves Defines HUMAN!!

Let the inner power of Solitude be Unearthed

And a feeling of completeness be Transcended!!