
A way to lead us back to yesteday

The noisy classroom became a quiet bedroom

The excited meeting room became a subdued Zoom call

Hugs and handshakes disappeared

Suspicion and social distancing appeared


How will we find a way

That will lead us back to yesterday?


Our Children are scared to play in a park

And Adults are scared to give a hug

With masks attached like a second skin?

Is this the world we now live in?


How will we find a way

That will lead us back to yesterday?


So many lives have been lost

And so many hopes dashed

So many plans unravelled

And so many celebrations cancelled


How will we find a way

That will lead us back to yesterday?


Even with all the power and money

Is it really worthful?

When all you are fighting for

Is just oxygen to breathe


How will we find a way

That will lead us back to yesterday?


But now we must face forward

And not step back

Be kind and help others

And look beyond our own self


And that is how we will find a way

That will lead us back to yesterday