grayson jaeger

Love Fails

Why can’t I fall in love? Why am I so frustrated but at the same time I couldn’t care less.

 It hurts so badly because all I want is for someone to care more than anything about me, but now I’ll be alone. 

Why did cupid take that arrow out of my heart? Why did he think love will fail when it comes to me? Am I destined to lie alone forever?

 Do I have to cry every night before Valentine\'s Day before I can find my love again? 

At this rate, I could read my fortune, and it will say “Last time you messed up was the last time someone will love you, I hope someone will mourn your death, for they will cry never again for you”

 Because I broke their heart, and I didn’t care. My heart was set on the riches of the world as money corrupted my brain. 

I only cared I’d die with everything. Now I’ll die with everything except you. And that will be the biggest burden I’ll die with. For I didn’t realize you were everything to me.