
Papa Prizes Prurient Pubescent Pussy Riot Glacis

(alternately titled: a pudendum posse petty filed trophy -
by hy phen - made declarative).

Appearance of the New Courier

(with namesake \"Georgia Ives\")

flew into the courtroom

faster than Bold face WingDings.


After the judge opened

waxed sealed envelope stamped

with official legal imprimatur

sound of silence filled courtroom.


Once particulars perused

highlighting prickly principle details,

a noticeable con jug gay shun

didst Impact countenance of attired judge.


Recess announced at authority decree

(spelled out with quotation marks high
lighting dotted i\'s and crossed t\'s)
figuratively a nouns sing moratorium
for those accused of run on sentences,
split infinitives, then versus than...
incorrect usage of ellipses, et cetera.

The justice of supreme court
critically espied quotation marks
(underscoring reductio ad absurdum
Times New Roman regulation)
against stiff penile penalty as per those
who commit rhetorical perturbations.

This lenient fiat occurred immediate
by innocent omission of a colon,
which subsequently, naturally,
and immediately affected
every future jury presiding over
a defendant applying incorrect punctuation.


A favorite comma cull anecdote
often repeated by my late english
grammar (a palliative to me psyche
despite the multi-generational
difference in age) happened,
when she celebrated twenty
and counting punctual marks, whence time
in utero came to an end period.


Many question marks still abound
as per the specific circumstances
of this generally uneventful birth,
only she seemed to dash
from womb (of her mother

mine great grandmother christened
Latina Greco) with a pointed
exclamation declaration
of independence while bodily constitution
adorned with supposedly shimmering
invisible golden braces
and full set of teeth.


Somewhat averse to authoritarianism
and mores of assuming sir name

of the groom, she maintained nom

de plume affixed on her birth certificate.


If born that way today, and ready

to pledge marital vow, would

probably follow common custom

and hyphenate name of beau similar

to newlyweds of this day and very moment.


Back in those days though,

town’s folk exclaimed with

pointed superstition that a baby born

after being bracketed nine months


within womb (which seemed

like an eternal sentence), and equipped

with means to esse chew would

most likely experience little colon difficulty.

As a dignified divine dowager,

she willingly shared her cradle

to graveside tidbits (populated

with many wisecracks and

marked quotations from a life
that spanned more than a century21.


Whip pet smart, and sharp as a pin

(the latter term somewhat out of vogue),

this independent woman

(who married into nobility


from humble roots) frequently evinced

el shaped lips when un

suspecting recipient ensnared

of her harmless ingenious pranks.


Aside from what many considered

childlike antics (which characteristic

salient trait appealed to this grandson),

she excelled at verbal adroitness


and could spin a jesting lightly

mocking pun, which seemed

to quiver with an invisible

apostrophe shaped blackened barb.