
A Skyful of Love

This continuing race of life

with happiness and strife.

Everything will carry on,

even after we are gone.


No one ever wins this race,

no one ever comes last.

we just keep playing roles

and keep collecting the past.


So why worry my darling,

nothing here is worth more.

In the choice of experiences

let peace, truth and love galore.


Let your compass point to love

and follow its pursuit.

You shall find everything else,

just let love be the conduit.


Love that is impersonal,

the one which is unbound.

The love that is universal

this love has a silent sound.


Should you love a person,

who is a sweet friend?

Let one be that companion

and together you shall ascend.


Love leads to expansion,

so keep it always above.

All I ask you for is,

just, a skyful of love.