I saw something the other day.

I saw something the other day,

My brother breaking a glow stick.

How farcical those things are

How silly of a metaphor,

To glow they must break.

I broke.



I don\'t feel myself glowing.


How can emptiness feel so heavy?


I saw something the other day.

A boy almost catching his ball.

His ball that went down the river.

I can\'t think of a word sadder than almost

He almost caught it.

She almost lived.

We almost made it.

You will always be my favourite almost.


There is this something swimming in my chest,

They call it anger

Blame it on my \"golden years\".

Mood swings.

But that something is unfurling itself,

Reaching into my brain

Hijacking it.

Terrorising it.


I saw something the other day,

A lost child, crying for her mother.

Maybe that\'s what it is,

Something lost, crying to be found.

But they call it temper.

I know that\'s not it.

And I also know the girl found her mother.


But I helped her.

What about me?