
Mom\'s hands

My mom’s hands are now wrinkled and old

But to me, they are still, precious as gold

They still can soothe us with a touch

I value their ability, so very much


These hands have cooked many a dish

They have helped fulfil many a wish

They have laboured so hard, day after day

They taught us to work, they taught us to play


They were, in our youth, so capable and strong

They warned with anger, when we did something wrong

They also clapped for us, whenever we won

They helped us play games, and also have fun


They now remain folded, to pray for us, all

We see them raised to bless us, on a video call

A tazbee in her hands, is now always there,

To remind us of her constant - tender loving care


We love you, dearest Mummy

Please stay well and strong

May you regain strength

And live well, and long