The winter-proof snowdrops are blooming:
reminders that springtime is looming.
They brave the harsh breeze that is blowing;
in bleakest mid-winter they\'re growing!
In Latin, Galanthus Nivalis;
(to love them, you don’t need to know this)
‘Milk Flower of the Snow’s’ the translation;
from Promised Land brought to this nation.
All clouded in folklore and fable,
like Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel,
whose tears were all shed in the garden;
in Eden they begged heaven\'s pardon!
So, angels of mercy took pity,
from snowflakes made flowers so pretty:
sweet, shy, sturdy blooms, bright with beauty,
all destined, by God, for this duty:
to symbolise hope, beyond sorrow,
of new world of wonder, tomorrow,
where hearts will be warmed and unfrozen
by ladies of loveliness chosen.
The beautiful snowdrops are blooming:
reminders that springtime is looming!
Cruel winter, they tell us, is ending;
sweet solace of springtime is pending!