
Baller Oni

First strike, you\'re in trouble
Second strike, you start to sweat
Strike three,  you go to Hell


The score is even 
and you need a home run
The Baller Oni, yells 
\" Let\'s have  fun\"


\"How did you get 666\" I ask
\"Its simple\" he giggles without  shame
I clobbered them all
The Devil is my name


He shows me the bat
Snickering once again
You may think I\'m nice 
But, I am not your  friend


His eyes start glowing
 I start to run away
\" Hey Come back,
You still haven\'t played\"


Now, I asked him 
How he ended at the Mansion
\" It\'s the portal to Hell\"
I read his lips like closed caption 


He swung the bat, clobbering my head\"

You\'re a Oni Now,  Angel\"

Demon Baller said


Welcome to the Game 
It\'s the Angels verses the Demons
I swung my bat
I knew I wasn\'t dreaming


I was a dead Angel
 So I swung the bat as hard as I could
I clobbered the demon
 with my bat made of wood 


I may be, a  new Oni
But, I know how to play the game
Clobber all the demons
Because dead Angels have no shame