Sonoran Bard


I know you don’t know.

And that’s ok.

Dissecting feelings based on their value,

Or maybe based on their outcomes.

You don’t know what to do.

And that’s ok.




You spoke of so much promise.

You spoke of our future together.

You spoke.

You spoke of wanting more of us.

You spoke of wanting more time.

You spoke of our souls bound forever.

You spoke of growing old together.

You spoke of dying together.


I heard it all.


I remember your face whenever I tell you how beautiful you are.

As if you don’t already know.

I remember your eyes as I tell you that I love you forever.

As If you don’t already know.


We’re not 19 anymore.

We’re not unable.

We’re not gliding on the wings of a far-off fantasy.

The fantasy is gone.

We’ve shed our jaded outer layers.

We’ve fought the battles laid out before us.

We know this doesn’t make us softer and lighter.


We rose to heights we never imagined.

We swung on the swing of everlasting.

We rode the wave of pure annoyance.

We watched our patience fall into anger.


Yet we stood.

Yet we knelt.

Yet we loved, and rested.

Yet we stopped, and resumed.

Yet we live.


I know you don’t know.

And that’s ok.

The future isn’t a thing to fear.

For what it’s worth,

I’ll always be here.

Until the end.