

How do you help him, he who drowns within? Whose soul cries to be heard? He\'s teetering above an endless abyss that strikes to pull him within its torturous flames. He cries out for a loving face, for a warmth embrace to hide within. Yet, he’s pushed aside, locked away from view by a family who misunderstands the depths of his pain. Who sees him as a shame that dares to tear away a family\'s perfect reputation.

So, they label him a problem, instead of accepting and seeking help for his perilous state of mind. Observers only watch from afar and in his desperation, he reaches out to them. Their eyes fill with disgust and abandon him to his tormenting pain. 

His desolate eyes gaze into the starlit sky, beseeching the heavens to take him from the cruelty that callously is inflicted upon him. So much distortion inside his state of mind; a profound loss for a normal life he craves. A feverish madness takes a hold of him, while a mess of emotions rages war in his heart.

Darkness seeps within his line of vision, expanding as it swallows him whole. Treacherous souls reach out to take him under, their horrid faces taunt him, shattering his hope of escape.

Awakened to the voice of rejection, he flees into the world, disparaged by those closest to him, and so, he builds a shield of protection. Yet having walked from his past, he\'s haunted by the darkness that drags him deeper into its embrace.

He\'s sinks further away from reality, falling beneath the raving beasts of despair who sink their teeth in his tender flesh, shredding him into oblivion. Darkness once more reaches him, and his shield of protection expands, taking on a form of life, becoming roots that plant him deep in the earth, a way to save what still strives to exist within him.

Pale skin, hollowed cheeks, he rasps in agony in sleep. Yet as he wakes, deep set eyes with blended shades of green and blue stare vacantly, till a spasm of pain overcomes his mind.  Clouded in confusion, he wavers between madness and reason. Losing bits of sanity for survival, he gives in to the numbness seeping into his mind. At last, his dark lashes brush upon his cool pale flesh, shutting tightly as he slumbers back into violent dreams.

How do you help him, he whose shield of protection has encased him, becoming a tomb of protection? Whose tears seep out from the corners of his eyes while lying still, lost within the wilderness of his mind?