


I thought I knew more,
I felt I had it all.
I was once a somebody .
I was an icon,
A hero to some souls. 

Only to wake up to face the mirror
and see a loser.
I stand as a failure,
shattered are my dreams.
Is it I to blame? 
Where are they who vowed to stand by me?

Am I at fault ?
Blame fate,
I wrote nothing about my future. 
I live a fairy tale, 
A once upon a time is my life.

\"I once had\" is my everyday line. 
How I wish to go back to those days. 
I used to smile, now I cry.
For a while I had some shine.

My face decorated by tears, 
I stand again to face the world. 
Shattered to pieces, 
I live with the thought of a once upon a time. 

@mdue( the rising star ✨ )