
Healing Wholeness

Tune: Herongate

(\'It is a thing most wonderful\')

Mark 7 v.31-37


Christ the healer in Galilee

They did bring to Him one who, see

Was deaf, and with impediment

In his speech, they to Jesus went


They beseeched Him to put His hand

On the man, they did understand

That Christ could heal by gracious touch

They for infirm one sought Him much


Jesus took man aside, and He

Put fingers in His ears, so be

And spat* , and touched his tongue, looked to

Heaven, for He His Father knew


He sighed, said to man, \'Eph-pha-tha\'

\'Tis \'Be opened\', this does concur

And straightway man\'s ears were open

And also he did speak plain them


Jesus did command them not to

Tell anyone, but they anew

So much more a great deal did tell

Saying, he has done all things well


They beyond measure astonished

He did more than they asked or wished

Making deaf to hear, dumb** to speak

His healings to the humble, meek


* Saliva was thought to have healing properties.

** It does not say the man was dumb, but that he had

an impediment in his speech.