Ok Waleed

Good luck with that

I’m sorry I exist sometimes

I know the difficulty

The strain of two lives

The burden I put on you

How foolish I make you look


It’s no reason people question

It’s no reason people pray for you

It’s no reason people wish you luck


The reason is me….

I’m your only flaw


This whole time

i forget you

aren’t perfect


It’s because of a disease like me


I wonder

how much

you would

Of flourished


if I didn’t

hold you back


I hate talking bout the past

Cause look at us in this moment

That’s better than any memory


We’re both alive

Feeling some emotion

I just don’t know what’s yours


Yet mine come out of me

Through tears

Facial expressions





Yet when I’m in love

When I love

I feel happy and sad

Knowing that this

maybe the present


But you’ll be gone one day

How can I recover from a fact