Charles Edward York




And now by invitation I start to see you

Layer by layer I peel away

The surface decorating you

Those feminine jewels

Your eyes, face

Lips and voice

And slowly but surely

Your sex, passion

And illumination become

Lights, camera, action

Revving me up

And I fall into you.


The movie of your life starts to unfold

Frame by frame my eyes

Receive you but by bit

Those alluring pieces

Your visuals, echoes

And sensuality

Verses spinning rhymes

In three, two, one

Diminish my defenses

Unraveling your mystery

Your undress me

To discover the real you.


Why do fish swim so far up stream?

To mate and make love

Slowly to transform

Two lives as one

Such impeccable souls

Strip to become a pair

An integration in nude

Naked surrender

A star forming nebula

Your colors reveal us

Anew in dreamy hues

Unfolding me and you.


Copyright © 2022 Charles Edward York

No part of this poem may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or form or by any means electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the author.*